czwartek, 2 października 2008

D.S. Tysdal: "...potencjalnie niebezpieczna metoda"

Predicting the Next Big Advertising Breakthrough Using a Potentially Dangerous Method by Daniel Scott Tysdal

after Vallum Magazine:
and Poetry Review:

...His titles are invitations to indulge in a creative clowning coupled with serious bending of imagination: "Zombies: A Catalogue of Their Return", "Lyrics from the Unreleased Emo Album Written for our Conversation Today", "How We Know We Are Being Addressed by the Man Who Shot Himself Online" - this last item is a curious but mesmerising sequential mix of what appears to be tiny pictures of a man in a holding-cell shooting himself, in which the apparent suicide - how does one differentiate fact from fiction, especially online - addresses his audience.
Disturbing, certainly, but as seductive as a train-wreck. Tysdal makes us look, and consequently makes us read.

A man walks into a room with a gun in his belt. A

man with a gun in his belt takes one last drink of

water. A man with a gun might wonder which far

off glacier that water was rescued from . . .

- III.How

The title piece is a collage of text presumably pulled from various print and online resources, and includes an excerpt on the left side of the page from President George W. Bush’s “Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People” (Sept. 2001), immediately followed and juxtaposed by a quotation from philosopher Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle. As a reader still growing accustomed to Tysdal’s sense of humour, I wondered if other material found in this poem was real or a fabrication. Does it really matter, anyway? By the time I reached the poem within the poem (on the right side of the page), I was finally convinced that I was hearing Tysdal himself, in the form of a brilliant reconstruction of the Debord and Bush excerpts:

… / our
nation is beyond the
earthbound efforts / that have
suffered loss grief and
separation / that had been
human and hence the great
and fallacious / threat to our
denial of the human / the
human itself / its life / once
wrenched from life / (no longer
of life) / will have but mists of
beings / fear and harm have
been thus found / by most /
we have the aspects of a
great /and rarefied people /
we lift our earth down at will /
most beings tire and falter / fail
/ we will not

Later, in the final piece titled “A►◄ B,” Tysdal returns to his signature style. He invites the reader, after having read the poem, to fold over the last page of the book so that A meets B. There revealed is the last line of the poem:

A poem

Predicting The Next Big Advertising Breakthrough Using A Potentially Dangerous Method by Daniel Scott Tysdal (Couteau Books, 2006)

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